Monday 1 July 2013

One day I was sitting in my living room, in my little house that perched on a cliff, overlooking Frobisher Bay, on Baffin Island.  I had lived there for 26 years, originally coming as a biology student to study caribou.  After 15 years working for the government and after establishing a successful business, it occurred to me, that retirement was a real possibility.  But what to do?

So I asked myself - what would bring me real joy.  What would please my heart's content?  For, after all, we all have the right to pursue happiness.  And the answer was travel.  Travel had long been a passion of mine, but with working and the development of the business, who had the time?  Ah, but now I had nothing but time, so travel I would !!!!!

So packed up the house, packed up my bags, and packed up my dog ... accessed all those waiting travel reward points and headed off to Europe.   Yep, with my dog.  A rather large, rather strong-willed, husky, by the name of Kasey !    I found him, an abandoned puppy, in January, in a blizzard, hanging around the doors to a grocery store hoping for some warmth and food.  I picked him up, took him home, bathed him in baking soda to get rid of the smell of seal, and loved him ever since.

But taking a somewhat wild husky to a genteel European society may hold some challenges!!  What am I getting myself in for?   Not sure yet ..........

The adventure begins .....